Melbern Vegetation has a proven commitment to safety.

Safety and Training

Melbern Vegetation has an excellent safety track record, and is committed to providing a safe work environment for all staff and our customers. This commitment is demonstrated through compliance with ISNetworld standards. External audits are completed annually to consistently maintain Certificates of Recognition for Alberta and British Columbia from Energy Safety Canada.

Melbern is committed to ongoing training and worker inspections throughout the season to ensure that safety standards are being maintained, and that equipment condition, and job quality remain at the highest standards possible.

Extensive Safety Training is required for Staff.

    • All Melbern field staff maintain current safety certifications in CSO, H2S Alive, Standard First Aid, TDG and WHMIS.
    • Pesticide Application Crews are required to have valid ATV/UTV safety courses to operate spray equipment.
    • All new supervisors are trained using in-house training, and a mentorship program, ensuring competence in their duties.
    • All Pesticide Applicators are trained in the Best Practices for Spraying by experienced applicators, and must have passed an Alberta or BC Certified Industrial Applicator Exam before they can lead a spray crew.
    • All Mower Operators are trained in Best Practices for Mowing Operations, as well as basic equipment maintenance and Inspection.
    • Bear Awareness Training is required by some customers, and by Melbern Vegetation for workers in higher risk and remote areas.

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